Originally Posted by rem141r
no. out here they have it made. work 10-15 years dealing with whitebread and manage to get a "bad back" so they can sue the township, go on disability for the rest of their lives and soak the taxpayers. pretty cushy gig out here in honky land.

I don't know how prevalent that may be, might depend on the state.

In the state where I used to live they have a heart/lung provision in the law that says that any heart or lung problem developed by a police officer or firefighter is presumed to be job related. Can be overweight, sedentary, heavy smoker, doesn't matter. Of course riding in a patrol car, eating on the run, is sedentary and inherently unhealthy. I anticipate that there will be a bunch of stress related disability claims coming down the road, mostly legitimate. Since stress is so ambiguous, it'll be a real challenge to sort them all out. Can't blame LEOs for going the disability route.


Stupidity has its way, while its cousin, evil, runs rampant.