Originally Posted by Swifty52
He can still get a Master Angler award. But I bet when you show them the picture it will not be a Goldeye. Probably a hybrid.

Swifty, I thought of the Master Angler award right away, but since he's not 16 y/o he isn't eligible for one. What kind of hybrid are you thinking of?

jaguartx, I call them chubs or just minnows. There is a small lake just off the river that a creek feeds into. Right off the road is a shallow pool which is usually full of minnows of all kinds. We bait a minnow trap with bread balls and toss it in there and let it set for about an hour and usually get 10-12 nice size minnows. The ones I like are shorter and stockier than some but they are hardy and seem to work. The little sliver ones are flashy but the small channel cats grab them and swallow them whole so I have to replace the whole leader assembly. Even circle hooks don't help. He even caught a carp and I caught a walleye using the silver minnows?

“My horn is full and my pouch is stocked with ball and patch. There is a new, sharp flint in my lock and my rifle and I are ready. It is sighted true and my eyes can still aim.”