Originally Posted by Happy_Camper
It's too late to get into this now but as I read this I noticed some comments about shooting the "bro."
I'm totally for concealed carry . Of ANY weapon that anyone wants to become proficient in.
I feel the SAME WAY as.anybody .....let me think now..NO, Most guys here. De flame excluded.

Let me ask you LEOS on here first.
Hypothetical scenario. Dude on floor draws sidearm and shoots scary thug. You check his carcass and there's nothing in that waistband that's hanging low and loose.
What would happen the moment your coworkers show up on the scene?

Second question. What is the likely scenario for pathetic white dude when charges with each other are discussed.?

Third, what about the place he will spend the night or months of not affording bond?

Forth, how many battles will he have from there on out?

I want to learn from those who have been there done that. Those Law Enforcement Officers who have investigated those charged with violent felonies.
Was the nerdy white guy acting appropriately?Good move, bad move?

White guy on the ground pulls a concealed firearm and kills black dude. Good or bad shoot would be decided by DA, Grand Jury, and a trial, unless the following could be proved. (Speaking only for Oregon)

The black guy was going to continue to beat the white guy and the white guy believed he would be unable to defend himself from more damage/or felt himself losing consciousness, thus being unable to deflect any blows from black dude.

Black guy verbally said “I’m gonna kill you” or words indicating black guy was intent on seriously injuring the white guy. “I’m gonna fûck you up”.

Black guy had a weapon.

Black guy grabbed an object and continued to beat white guy with it about the head, neck, face area.

Black guy started to kick white guy about the head, neck, and face.

Black dude video taping jumps into the fray and starts beating white guy....2 on 1.

***White guy was unable or prevented from leaving the area or stopping the attack***

All the above would help support a good shoot for the white dude.


Potential bad judicial outcome for white guy for shooting black guy - below.

Black guy appeared to stop beating the white guy while the white guy was still capable of putting his arms up to deflect blows. He stopped beating him.

Black guy didn’t kick the white guy about the head, face and neck area.

Black guy didn’t say anything verbally to indicate his intention was to kill white dude.

Black guy didn’t grab an object to beat the white dude about the head, face, neck area.

Black dude video taping didn’t jump in and start beating the white guy. 2 on 1.

***Black guy beating white dude and the Black guy videoing the beating both claim the white guy had called them the “N” word which caused the beating in the first place***

Both black guys said the white guy was on the phone and after answering a brief question one of the black guys asked of him. The white guy went back to his phone conversation and was supposedly over heard by both blacks saying...”I was just helping a couple of “N’s” word. Black guys believe the white guy thought his words wouldn’t be heard since he was wearing a COVID mask.

Both the white guy and Macy’s the store where he worked have said publicly, the white guy never called either one the “N” word. Their words against the white dude’s.

Right, or wrong, the question of justification for shooting in this situation, if in Oregon, would probably see this going to the Grand Jury.
A Grand Jury would want to politically wash their hands of it and let a judge and jury decide the white guys fate.

Being that Oregon is under the most liberal of courts, the 9th....White guy would be fücked!....My opinion only.

I wish I could say otherwise, but Oregon and the 9th circuit court has shown its ass on gun matters of self defense. Especially, outside of the home.


Curiosity Killed the Cat & The Prairie Dog
“Molon Labe”