I heard yesterday there is consideration what to do with it - " probably a museum somewhere".

WTF- a scrap yard takes junk. Junk isn't worthy of emulation or a showcase. Cube it and send it to Japan. It can come back as an operational vehicle.

Not that there isn't already plenty of junk in museums, etc.

Ever notice how a centuries-old campfire ring is a "historical artifact", but you can get your rear in trouble for making a new one? Ironic, at best.

There is an old bus above the forks of Healy Creek, sort of across the way. Lynn Castle drove it up there for a hunting camp, I heard. I've stayed in it, sheep hunting. Comfy,(spring beds) but some butthole knocked the windows out. Nothing a little visqueen and duct tape won't fix for a short stay. BTDT.

You can glass for sheep and caribou right from the bus, and I have. A much nicer proposition from what I have heard (never been there) of the Bus to Nowhere,

Last edited by las; 06/21/20.

The only true cost of having a dog is its death.