Originally Posted by ERK
Ed here not Jim. A classmate of mine has struggled raising organic beef and crops for years here in North Dakota. H e was a hippie with a dream that never really planned out. His wife had to drive thousands of miles a year trying to get rid of it at a profit. If you were near a huge city population it might work but it’s hard to fool country folks into believing the lies associated with organic stuff. Ed k

For the most part, organic farming is a joke. Some of the local Amish and Mennonites here claim to be organic farmers, but ask their neighbors about them, and you'll get a different story. I raise and sell some produce for the local produce auction, one the largest in this part of the country. Buyers come from as far away as Chicago and Atlanta. They want quality produce, and I've never seen organic grown stuff that was equal in quality to that which was grown normally.