I've always shot decent fingers.
Always run a tab.

Funny, got my first deer w a PSE twin cam back in the 80's, sold it to a bud, that used it to shoot a 300 indoors w it fingers.

For hunting I like a front sight and no peep. Did well that way.
Targets though, a peep shrinks groups.

Got an old Oneida Aeroforce to mess with. Dunno if going barebow or w front sight yet.
Found 50% let off modules ($40).

FWIW I like a mechanical release just fine. Hell I think they screw more people up, seen a bunch poke at the trigger and a ton with draw lengths that are not right.

Recurve, compound fingers, or release.............sights or no sights.................its all fun smile
Eastern type hunting, wooded, 30 yards can be a long shot.

Damn near anything works within that distance.