Originally Posted by DuxHateMe
Originally Posted by gonehuntin
Originally Posted by The_Real_Hawkeye
Originally Posted by gonehuntin
Originally Posted by KFWA
yI'm sure there is no shortage of law enforcement that would love to David Koresh their ass if they start arming up

They haven't so far, and I'll wager $1 that they won't - ever.


Let me throw out this scenario: BLM/Antifa decides to forage down your country lane and gets the local sheriff's office to give them an armed escort - patrol vehicle in front and at rear. They trash houses close to the road along the way towards you and you've been warned by the sheriff's office "Do Not Resist". Do you have a plan for that??

This is fantasyland you're talking about correct? That ain't happening friend. Find me a sheriff that supports these cop haters and get back to me.

OK - in my small town BLM had a march that took them from a black church up to the courthouse square, right in front of our Confederate memorial statue, and over to the police station where they dumped their black hatred on the cops. They had a police escort: patrol vehicles front/rear, police marching alongside them, a FIRE TRUCK deployed by the courthouse square. I was the ONLY man who showed up to protest with a sign: "All Lives Matter, F*** BLM". The "F*** BLM" part was hinged at the bottom of my sign, when they got to my position I flipped it down and I had three cops on me in 10 seconds, yelling at me to stop it. I told them that I had a First Amendment right to protest their nonsense. They didn't arrest me, but they harangued me the whole time the mob was marching by. The cops will turn on their fellow Traditional Americans, I promise you that.

"To compel a man to furnish funds for the propagation of ideas he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical." -- Thomas Jefferson

We are all Rhodesians now.