Still tragic no matter what. parents are hurting for sure. I couldn't guess if they have any recourse through the courts. Might just be the drivers fault for speeding and drinking. When I was young there were plenty of times I was drinking & driving and I could have wound up dead or injured. Lots of young folk still do it today. When I was 12 I lost my oldest cousin, who was 19 or 20, in a car wreck. He had been drinking and was speeding and lost control on a curve. He died and 2 or 3 passengers survived. I used to think of him once in a while when I was in that age bracket and driving around under the influence. It often, (but not always) slowed me down but there I was still driving under the influence of alcohol. Despite all the anti-DWI programs some young folks are still gonna do that stuff. It's terrible to see young lives snuffed out like that. They should bring back all those gory movies that kids once saw in driver education courses in high school.