Originally Posted by CashisKing
Originally Posted by CashisKing

must find fault in others.

It truly seems to me that today victimhood has absolutely no negative connotations... and somehow a badge of honor for many.


Years ago there was a car talk episode where the brothers were berating a wealthy mother for buying her daughter a 150 mile per hour capable BMW for her 16th birthday.


My son's first car what is a basic Ford Explorer have a small V8 and 6 spark plugs. He got the last two spark plugs when he turned 18.

Technically, he had 8 spark plugs but only six of them had tips

In the fall of my 14th birthday, I paid $25 for a Rambler American 440 that didn't run. My dad's idea was that I'd work on it, and work on it, slowly bringing it into running condition. Maybe when I was 15 1/2 or so.

It got flat towed to our place on a Saturday. Sunday afternoon, it was running - a bad condenser killed the points. Replaced both and bingo! Anyway, hijinks on Friday nights when the folks would go out dancing ensued. But always solo, always sober, always drove conservatively.

Since the statute of limitations has expired, you might want to ask your son how easy is it to swap plugs in an Explorer...