Originally Posted by JamesJr
A man told me how he handled his neighbors dog problem. He lived in the city, which made shooting the dog impossible. The dog was the terror of the neighborhood, growling at kids playing, crapping in everyone's yard, peeing on the flowers and car tires, getting into garbage, and of course the owner wouldn't do a thing.

So, the guy rigs up and old extension cord with some bare lines, coated in bacon grease, along with some other goodies. About midnight he heard a noise, went to investigate and found the dog dead, and the smell was awful.. He put him in the back of his truck, left early for work, and dumped it on the side of the road about a mile down the road. He said that when he got home that night, the dog's owner was out on the street, and told him that it was a bad day for him, because ole Spot had gotten hit by a car. Guy said he couldn't figure it out though, because he'd never known ole Spot to go that far away from home............lol.

This reminds me of a story a co-worker/friend told me. He was laying out a gas line on a customer's property and their yappy little dog was snapping and snarling at his heels the whole time. When he finished up he went out front to his truck and the little bastard bit him on the ankle. He said it was a knee-jerk reaction when he stomped the dog's head with the other foot and it died. He looked around and nobody saw it happen so he kicked the dog out into the road and went out back and told the woman her dog was laying in the road. She came out & said that GD dog is always out there, I'm not surprised he got hit!

Sad to hear about the little girl being killed in the OP's story.

Last edited by River_Ridge; 07/08/20.

Wag more, bark less.

The freedoms we surrender today will be the freedoms our grandchildren will never know existed.

The men who wrote the Second Amendment didn't just finish a hunting trip, they just finished liberating a nation.