At this time in my life none of my goals are difficult... I have done most of the things I dreamed of as a kid.. And many more now that I think of it.. This fall I hope to see my step daughters catch their first antelope bucks, get a few antelope my self, a decent whitetail and mule deer buck, shoot some forest grouse and sage grouse with my goldens, get a few ducks, and maybe a goose.. I would also like to get a couple fall turkeys.. That is the turkey hunting we did when I was a kid... Spring gobbler seasons were still years away!! I want to take a fall trip to Montana and fish a bit, hunt some forest grouse, and get a turkey up there.. Missed my spring trip for varmints... Looking forward to shooting some roosters and watching my goldens hunt.. They love it.. Also try to get enough ambition to try and fill at least one of my elk tags.. Mostly I want to enjoy the fall it is so brief, and that is very important.. Don't know how many
falls I have left to go.. Certainly not nearly as many as I have already seen..

Molon Labe