Originally Posted by BobMt

think about it this way....no one would be buying and moving in ....if there wasn't anything for sale....the "locals" are doing the selling....just like you are going to sell out.......hope you make a nice profit.......bob

I could sell my place tomorrow and make more profit than I thought I'd ever see in 3 years of working when I was young. Not the point, and wish I didn't even need to consider it. It's the younger generation that is losing out. Sure, mom and pop or gram and grandpa can sell out and make some dough. What's left for the kids or grandkids? Point being the price point to buy a starter house or little chunk of property to throw a trailer on to start out is out of reach. At some point the well will run dry. It's not an out of state thing as far as my perspective, it's an urban/rural thing. If all that drives a guy is making money, then the whole thing is nothing but a bonanza. Opinions are like azzholes, mine just stinks less than most. smile