Let me offer this, there are some that are championing SUPPORT for NFAC. Not because of their racists comments but because they are trying to force response by local and state officials for the wrongful death of Breonna Taylor.

I wholeheartedly agree her (Breonna's) death was the fault of the police. I think judges should be very cautious about issuing "no-knock" warrants, the Chief of Police, or whomever was in charge shouldn't have been kicking in the wrong door. The couple trying to protect themselves against a home invasion is reasonable, and I expect most here on this sight would have responded in much the same way. There should be accountability for her death. That isn't anything but just.

Where I have an issue isn't with exercising their rights, their right to protest or anything. They even have the right to be racist. What I won't ever condone is the stories from their Stone Mountain event where they were stopping cars at gunpoint, asking for payment for reparations. These stories circulated but I personally didn't see proof. If it happened, it was robbery, and as an organization they were complicit. Their public image is poor at best, ridiculous even, yet they actually had a fair amount of participants. They shouldn't be ignored.

“You never need fear a man, no matter what his size. When danger threatens, call on me, and I will equalize.”
Samuel Colt.

�Common sense is genius dressed up in work clothes.� - Ralph Waldo Emerson