Originally Posted by hookeye
Kid had dislocation (tissue disorder) and tried to get it back.
Her luck..........knee surgery required. Think it tore.

Cardiologist in 4 weeks to see what the hell is going on there.

Kid can't catch a break man.

Ehler's Danlos..........hopefully not vascular version. Am concerned w the heart thing it might be.

One hospital jaw surgery, at least a dozen outpatient jaw procedures (when it dislocates).
Both shoulder bankart repaired.
Now knee.

Plus it trashes the female stuff. Hormone spikes make dislocations more prone, ligaments get softer (already too soft).
Gonna be a chitty month til we get this med crap done.

Upset she proly won't get back in college this fall.
With the Covid I told her not to worry, proly won't be decent school crap til spring.

Had good scholatship but medical killed that.
Got her back in and more medical pulled her out. Plus the school didn't do the crap they were supposed to.
Said Fuggem and trying to patch her up enough to go to local branch.

They seem to want to help her.

Hopefully the knee gets fixed and the heart deal is something not surgical.
Repairs on joints don't heal back to what they were before, so apt to screw up and require follow up surgeries.

She has to take it easy, but also has to do some exercise to strengthen muscles to help hold things in place.
Fighting getting her healthy enough to work on maintaining it.

Just been getting worse the last 6 yrs.

Sucks, can't fix my kid. Taking forever for the gastro and main Ehlers Danlos guy to get chit done.
Covid drug it out more.

End result.............stuff they thought wrong, wasn't. So we checked some things off the list, and she's still unable to eat decent.
I got a bit crappy last Dr visit.

I feel for you Hookeye. I truly do.

My oldest daughter has Ehlers Danlos Syndrome (EDS). She is 23, just graduated from college, and wants to be a nurse. Has had a lifetime of pain from EDS. Never has ridden a bike in her life, never played sports, and takes no risks. She has been to the ER literally 16 times just from a simple fall as that fall tears open her knees. The last time it took 23 staples to put it back together. Wears a back brace now for 10 years. Has her shoulders, hips, and ankles pop outta socket all the time. Has a nice boyfriend.

She just found out last week she has vascular EDS. The sadness in her eyes when she found out she can’t have kids was heartbreaking. When I tried to cheer her up by saying she can adopt, she said “Dad, average life expectancy for vascular EDS is 48. I don’t want to leave someone a widow and my kid an orphan.”

She and I both went to bed that night crying.

"Successful is leaving something in better shape than you inherited it in. Keep that in mind, son." Dad