
I feel for you Hookeye. I truly do.

My oldest daughter has Ehlers Danlos Syndrome (EDS). She is 23, just graduated from college, and wants to be a nurse. Has had a lifetime of pain from EDS. Never has ridden a bike in her life, never played sports, and takes no risks. She has been to the ER literally 16 times just from a simple fall as that fall tears open her knees. The last time it took 23 staples to put it back together. Wears a back brace now for 10 years. Has her shoulders, hips, and ankles pop outta socket all the time. Has a nice boyfriend.

She just found out last week she has vascular EDS. The sadness in her eyes when she found out she can’t have kids was heartbreaking. When I tried to cheer her up by saying she can adopt, she said “Dad, average life expectancy for vascular EDS is 48. I don’t want to leave someone a widow and my kid an orphan.”

She and I both went to bed that night crying.

Sorry to hear man. Think we are in the same boat.
I don't give a flip about grandkids.
I'm the last of my name and had daughters, so the line is done.
And that doesn't bother me.

Kid dislocates all the time too, tried to pop one back and it appears it nuked something.
She's crashed out on my bed (slept w her mom).
I did the couch.

I have pushed her, before we knew what was going on, and during. I am compassionate, but sure as heck don't baby her.
She calls herself my "twin".
I don't stick up for her, or do things for her, am not in her corner...........

I'm just her dad and do what I should, naturally.
So it's nothing commendable.
Its just the norm.

Last edited by hookeye; 07/26/20.