I'm cool with the folks that want to carry it out. I was that way for the first 25 years or so. Although I have to say even my "My First Deer" story starts with "I'd just gotten up and taken a leak when. . ." I'd also be the first to say that big bucks in big woods can be really finicky. Our bruisers are so used to humans, that it is quite common to see them feeding up close to the house during Happy Hour. I've found them bedded next to stands in the off-season.

Let's get back to the experiment. I'm wanting to test the hypothesis that deer are attracted to the sound of a stream of liquid hitting the ground. My point in raising the question is that I and a lot of others have had the experience of seeing deer right after taking a whizz. Is it the sound? Is it the scent? You've got 20 minutes left on a 5-hour sit. You've not seen even a squirrel all morning. What's it going to hurt? Mind you, I'm just talking clear water. I've tried it. I have to say the results are less than spectacular. I'd say 50/50 at best. Actually whizzing off the stand has produced far more deer sightings. YMMV.

Genesis 9:2-4 Ministries Lighthearted Confessions of a Cervid Serial Killer