Evinrude, Johnson were good motors in their day! Pre 90's! Trying to stay with the 2 stroke, and not spending dollars on 4 stroke technology, cost them customer support! The vro injection systems of the late 80's, started their demise, they havent been worth a crap since! Yamaha built motors for Mercury for a few years, early 2000 era! The carburetor models of Mercury and Yamaha make great boat anchors, in the four strokes during the early 2000's. Once fuel injected four strokes became available, in all brands, of outboards, they not only replaced two strokes, but replaced inboards in the majority of boats! Exceptions are large boats, by large I mean 30 plus foot boats. At least thats what I see on the west coast! Others may have different experiences! I run one Honda, one Mercury, and one Johnson! I would run one of each brand but only have three boats!