Lets just say it is no comparison to owing a portable toilet business, sticking the suction hose in a very full tank in a toilet at a construction site and having the vacuum valve in "BLOW" rather than "VACUUM". First toilet of the day with 5 more to clean on that site before any chance to clean up and when that banjo valve handle opened up is was like standing at the base of Mt. Vesuvius when it blew! All I could do was grab the washdown hose, hose myself and the entire inside of the toilet down and clean the next five.

That or the day the bottom sight glass blew on the 3400 gallon full septic tank on the Kenworth T800. Nothing to do but zip up the rain gear tight and jump up and shove the fist into the 4" hole until the co-worker could get a board to jam in place. Yep, always interesting owning a septic/portable toilet business.