What's wrong with trailering a bike? I've taken several West-wide junkets with my bike tied down in the back with the guns and skis. Nothing nicer than droning down the freeway with a nice coffee and sandwich, then pulling over and riding some snaky mess for a couple of hours, then load back up and drone on to the next good stretch. Oh, did I mention how nice it is to have tools and spare parts?
In fact, one time in Marin, my van saved me from a huge ticket. I entered a long curvy section just as a CHP was exiting, I was parked at the far end discreetly off the road just a little bit. RRRRRR screech, key, door, ramp, shove, shove, jump SLAM woop woop woop woop...... Phew, that was close. He came by again a few minutes later, but by then, I'd changed my clothes and had my second helmet out, and my story straight about what a great ride I'd just had.
And it WAS a great ride.

Up hills slow,
Down hills fast
Tonnage first and
Safety last.