Dave ,I've had 4 different supers and they all 1 one thing in common which was their age. They were long tang guns with .725" bore diameters. I found that they threw outstanding patterns. Try it yourself but I used 7/8 oz of 9's for 16 yd targets and 1st shot on doubles with the lower barrel (improved modified) and 1 oz loads of hard 8's in the top barrel (full choke) for hdcp and 2nd shot doubles tighter patterns than 1 1/8 oz loads would give. I don't remember the constriction in the imp mod barrel but the fulls were down at. . 686" .039" constriction. My guns were made before the advent and wide spread use of 1 piece plastic wads. Browning was real slow to change to more open constrictions. Try them I think you will be pleasantly surprised. MB

Last edited by Magnum_Bob; 08/08/20.

" Cheapest velocity in the world comes from a long barrel and I sure do like them. MB "