i miss the days of simplicity.
like....grab the gun and a box of shells and go shoot.
miss? maybe. fun? sure.
go home and remember not to make the same mistakes twice and do it again another day.
at least i didn't have anything riding on my misses.
its when people put money on the line and must deal with all those that DO do the science to win.
like minds like results.
its why i stopped competing. it got too cut throat.
i forgot the fun and became absorbed in data and spread sheets...all in an effort to outdo someone elses data and spread sheets.
for what?
5 seconds of fame and picture on a magazine, that ends up in the attic.
fun shooting is for me now.
if i aint smiling, i aint doin' it right.
hope the OP sees it and has a good time.

Retired Military Aviation
Former Member, Navy Shooting Team
Distinguished Pistol Shot
NRA Certified Instructor/RSO