Originally Posted by AcesNeights
I know that President Trump has been working hard to reign China in. Their theft of intellectual property, their human rights abuses, their expansionist doctrine, their importation of synthetic drugs and counterfeit money, their attempts to undermine worldwide currencies as well as many other destabilizing acts are not going to stop unless we have a President that isn’t on the Chinese payroll.

Committing ground troops to a land war in Asia is about the last thing in the world any country should do but that doesn’t mean that the world should sit idly by and allow China to overthrow legally installed, democratic governments like Hong Kong or Taiwan. Regional disputes don’t have to turn into a quest for world domination or the overthrow of all of China, they can be stopped and contained regionally....at least in theory.

I don’t think our President would allow China to invade Taiwan. Should conflict come I think it’ll be fought using next generation, asymmetrical warfare. I’m sure we have developed sophisticated weapons that few know exist just waiting for a worthy adversary to deploy against.

I certainly don’t relish the thought of war with China but I think it’s inevitable.

Anything with China would be strictly a naval/air war (hopefully). They can't invade us and us invading them would be stupid. I'm sure Japan would join in since there's no love lost between the two. China both hates and fears the Japanese. Japan also has a Top 5 navy and air force.
I started a thread yesterday about China stealing patents from US companies on the CF and all it's gotten is a collective "yawn". Too many Americans think price is the first, second and third thing to think about when buying. There's no way an American made company can compete on price since they have to pay first world wages, not slave stipends.