Originally Posted by KnightHawk
Originally Posted by 458Win
Fairbanks has always been a boom or bust town. It has had a few great gun shops over the years. When Karl was alive DownUnder was a fun shop.
Glad to hear it is booming again .

DownUnder was a great shop, but Karl's second, bigger shop down the street had a BS corner right up front where you could sit and have a cup of coffee as you told your lies.
Before that was Langley's on Cushman st. Dude was always fun to pester. Good family run shop. Chuck and Peacock built me a couple of rifles and worked on many more.
Was just in Iron and Wood and these guys have a nice place with decent prices. All they need is a couple of chairs and a coffee pot.

Bill is still kickin, got some great stories, dude was a ironworker and went off the Yukon bridge during the pipeline, with his tool belt on, managed to crawl up a net hanging from a barge while everyone was looking in te water.

For those without thumbs, it's s Garden fookin Island, not Hawaii