Originally Posted by ironbender
Originally Posted by roundoak

Thanks! Sizes pretty true?

In my experience pigskin gets very slimy when wet and rots from salt sweat.

For dexterity I buy deerskin. Goat hide gloves also look very appealing, and feel very soft. But I have never done more than tried them on at the store, then bought the deer hide.

Horse hide is pretty tough, and sweat resistant. That is what we have used for bucking hay bales for 60 years.

But I often use and actually prefer elkhide for all but the most delicate tasks, which are usually done bare handed anyway. I have a pair of elk hide gloves on the bench now beside the lead melting pot. Casting bullets or sinkers is the perfect application. Thick enough for insulation from the mold or spashes of molten lead. Durable to the extreme. And quite comfortable. I have had boots made of elkhide in the past. I think it is about the most durable leather available.

I can not name the brand. They are always on display at our local farmer Co-op, or at the suburban/hobby farm supply stores popping up with gentrification of the farm communities.

People who choose to brew up their own storms bitch loudest about the rain.