The Jew author’s first sentence suggests that Americans believed Marxism was defeated with the fall of the Berlin Wall, but no one believed that.

Many, many average American people believed that. Reagan and GHWB shouted it from the rooftops, and the MSM parroted it every step of the way, and most gullible, wishful-thinking Americans regurgitated it to themselves and their families and friends.

Regardless of the semantics, it's worth the read, if for no other reason than to know what enemy factions are thinking and saying, and because most Americans either still don't understand that what we're facing is Marxism, or simply refuse to believe or acknowledge that fact.

If nothing else, here is an opportunity to point to their own words and say, "See? They openly admit it!"

Know. Your. Enemy. Not of old, of right this moment.

Haul ass, haul ass! - Pappy