Originally Posted by VarmintGuy
Achadwick: I mean this sincerely and not as an insult - YOU have NO idea what YOU are talking about!
I have witnessed first hand the horrors that liberal politicians, liberal judges, liberal professors, liberal teachers and liberal media have done to our society, our country, our courts, our education system, our welfare system and our way of life (morals!) over the last 53+ years that I have been an adult and a voter.
The damage and horrors that liberals have heaped upon "us" is incalculable and will take generations to undo/correct.
Again YOU know not of what you speak!
The "marxists" are a separate and important issue but NO WHERE NEAR the damage already done by liberals and what liberals will try to do in the future to our country and our society.
Respectfully submitted.
Hold into the wind

You should read the article linked in my initial post before commenting about it. Just saying.

and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God? (Micah 6:8)


Musings on TDS