Originally Posted by ShaunRyan
The Jew author’s first sentence suggests that Americans believed Marxism was defeated with the fall of the Berlin Wall, but no one believed that.

Many, many average American people believed that. Reagan and GHWB shouted it from the rooftops, and the MSM parroted it every step of the way, and most gullible, wishful-thinking Americans regurgitated it to themselves and their families and friends.

Call me gullible, guilty of wishful thinking and naive but I believed it. Sadly, I was mistaken, as were many of the electorate.

Anyway, the article is well worth the read, IMHO.

Last edited by achadwick; 09/01/20.

and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God? (Micah 6:8)


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