This one's a little tough. Life long Pack fan, and wife is life long Bears fan. The games and back and forth were a huge part of our dating and continued relationship fun. But we are both done. Neither of us have missed but maybe a game or two in probably 20 years since the advent of "Sunday Ticket", and we have followed religiously since about 10 years old. But this season will be the one. We have decided to not spend a single dime on anything NFL related. Not going to a sports bar to watch the games. Not buying NFL Sunday ticket again. Absolutely no NFL sports items, and certainly no way in hell would we buy tickets to go to a game again, which we used to do about once a season.

We are not set on "tuning in" or not if a game happens to be televised. We may tune in to see the first time ever playing without fans in the stadium. Quite curious to see how that goes. But the NFL has received their last dime from us until they get their chit together. Which I expect will never happen. Too much "woke" momentum built up for the NFL to ever recover I believe.

Guns are responsible for killing as much as Rosie O'Donnel's fork is responsible for her being FAT.