Wolves have been bred for centuries to bring out certain qualities.

The ones we love, have been bred to run, smell, herd, guard, sit in your lap,
love you, enjoy serving you.

Wolves have been bred to hunt, kill, and survive in the wild.

You don't buy a weiner dog to run races, a blood hound to protect sheep,
or a pointer to hunt coon.

Why in the hell would mix wolf into your family pet?
Especially when the other half is a dog that has been bred to
guard and protect.

And I'm not bashing GSD's. At all.
But they aren't bred to be 100% lapdog.
So whatever the wolf throws in there, is received into a mix
of already somewhat higher aggression.

Kinda like you are making chilli.
You have just the right chili's in there.
It's got just a bit of bite, but the whole family will like it.

You gonna let some Jamacan dude just throw a double hand full
of little peppers in the pot?

Except, you ain't paying $2k for the chilli.
It's not a big deal to do plan B for supper.
And a glass of milk will fix the pepper problem.

Not the same as a big, nasty dog.

Parents who say they have good kids..Usually don't!