I was given a grown 7/8 wolf dog. It had a curl tail so it must have been a husky type dog it was crossed with. It was a female. It was kept in a pen with a chain on it to keep it from getting away. I had to do the same thing. It was starved for attention and was difficult to control when I went to see or feed her. It would have been impossible to keep in the house. when this dog shed in the spring I have never seen that much hair come from an animal in my life.

Still once she settled down she was a sweet dog. I'm over 5"11" and she could put her paws on my chest and was as tall as me.

She could dig a hole big enough to bury a VW beetle in.

She finally broke the chain for about the third time and I never saw her again.

If she would have been raised right from a pup and not left alone all the time she might have made a good pet.

Last edited by 1911a1; 09/11/20.

Figures don't lie, But Liars figure
Assumption is the mother of mistakes