Originally Posted by renegade50
Just get all like minded friends and family who dont vote and have the opinon their vote dont matter.

Out to Vote!!!

The ballot is the only wpn we have currently have to use....

I picked up 2 boxes of 9mm at Rural king today for 12.73 a box on my great unsuccessful p89 mag hunt today.

Just gonna have ta get a 17 rd one online in the morning.
Plenty of em available with polymer extended base plates also.
Seen 2 older guys in their 70,s. 1 really confused from old age bad at rural king also buying Small Khar 9mm pistols.
I think they were brothers.
Struck me as types that have little to no experience with guns.
From the questions they was asking in general and then asking the clerk how to load and shoot the gun.

So the panic buying is still going on.
Everywhere I go around town people are buying guns.
Everyone wants a pistol basically.
Someone needs to do a PSA.
" If your buying a gun, learn how to use a gun"

Especially handguns.....
I think alot of these new buyers think you just load up a handgun and shoot it and hit your target just like in the movies or video games everytime all the time.

Might be alot of ....
" I dont understand it, I shot 16 times and never hit the guy" 10 yards away type of stuff.

I hope this all comes to a screeching halt during president trumps 2nd term.

And all these newb gun owners wanna sell their schit in a buyers market.

How much any think.
Their are schit loads of stockpiled ammo just waiting to be sold at sky high prices as the election gets closer.
And in greedy anticipation of Biden being elected.

I dont put much past benjamins and bussiness exploiting all this.
They are not our friends at all with some of these major distributors.

The big bottle neck I have read about is primer production not being able to keep up with demand.
Or major primer manufacturers world wide having gaps in production cause of C19 shutdown schitt early on and having to catch up on contracts and cant even address the basically double #,s of demand due to C19 panic and Floyd Groid rioting.

Have read several articles surfing the web.

Centerfire cartridges cant go bang without em

If by voting common people could change anything democratic system would have been done away with long time ago. Rich white guys didn't trust the common men that is why they came up with the concept of Electoral College. Clearly they were not just rich and influential, but very, very smart.