fog will fugg you up too. i was way up a mountain before daylight one time and the fog rolled in quick like i have never seen. i sat down and waited for daylight. well daylight did not help. visibility was about 30 feet. i couldn't tell if i was going up or down. i have a good sense of direction and started moving back towards the way i came figuring i would be going downhill. well somehow i was going uphill. place was full of gulleys and mountain brush. i knew there was a road at the top of the ridge but i also knew that if i went the wrong way it would be a hell of a long way to a road. finally i heard a cow mooing way off in the distance. i knew there was a couple farms down in the valley near where i had parked and just started walking towards old bessie. she kept it up long enough that i was able to drop down out of the fog. when i got back down to the bottom i looked up and the ridge looked like something out of one of those pictures of the himalayas. the whole mountain was socked in for as far as i could see. that was the only time i was "concerned" so to speak. i drive through that area frequently and the fog on that ridge is thicker than i have ever seen. something to do with it being the highest eastern-most ridge in that part of PA. feels like the moon in winter too.

My diploma is a DD214