My father was using the VA system only for hearing aids, with very good service, until last spring. Then he was hospitalized with a blood infection and complications for about 6 weeks. When released he was essentially bedridden (he regained some mobility after awhile). I contacted the VA to see about their home care program.

The day after he was released he got the first evaluation visit from a VA Nurse. He was assigned a primary care manager from the VA, so gave up his general practioner, but kept all of his existing specialists coordinated thru VA. The VA nurse practioner, nurses, and physical therapist all started regular home visits. He continued appts with his specialists as needed, and was very pleased with the setup. Once the VA picked up primary care they also provided any supplies and equipment needed at home, including a hospital bed and a stairlift.

His out of pocket health care expenses pretty much disappeared. He was already on medicare with a decent supplement insurance. Once VA was his primary the non-VA specialists continued billing his Medicare and VA paid anything his insurance didn't cover.

Unfortunately he passed away earlier this spring. 96 yrs old, WWII 10th Mtn Div veteran, Bronze Star, Purple Heart, CIB.