Originally Posted by mrchongo
Originally Posted by Joel/AK
Day prior sucked but the drugs were good.

The proper use of fentanyl.

Its propofol, same crap MJ OD’d on.

Suprep is the best in my opinion. It acts very quickly and only lasts for about 1hr, as well its only 12oz I think. Moviprep is the worst, it lasts for hours, and I think you need to drink like 1/2 gal for each intake.

No more farting, at least at my doc’s... they started using Co2, the body absorbs it versus the oxygen they used to pump you with that had to be passed.

I have a digestive disease and have had a bunch of them, last one was just 2 weeks ago. Its nothing, as stated the fasting is the worst. Speaking of which, get beef/chicken/veg broth and heat it up and drink it all rapidly. The warmth in your gut with the amount of fluid makes you feel full, but only for a short time. Its relief though.

PS - dont make the mistake of rewarding yourself with a large meal post procedure. Your hole will be sore, and what goes in must come out.

One other piece of advise. Wear depends on your ride there. If you follow the directions you’ll be clean.... but clear fluid will still be coming out and your stomach will be upset.

Last edited by Ejp1234; 09/21/20.