Originally Posted by sse
Does anyone do this? Seems like I've heard a few stories about surprising a buck in close quarters and having to shoot in self-defense. Danger aside, I'm not seeing an advantage. Hunting the perimeter, maybe.

during archery if its windy and rainy ill look for standing corn to still hunt.

On windy and rainy days you would surprised how close you can get to a deer bedded in standing corn. Fresh soft snow or a snow storm works well too. Walk into a row, slowly per your head intent next row and look up and down. If see one back off a few rows and try and make your way down to them. 2 to 3 man drives with archery in the winter is fun too.

Ive shot about a doz over the years in the corn with a recurve

trying to stand hunt or ground blind hunt exit and entry trails is a crap shoot in the corn

Last edited by ribka; 09/22/20.