Originally Posted by SKane
Doing so with others scares the bejeesus out of me.
And while I haven't done it in probably 20 years, I've killed a handful of bucks both with bow and gun in the rows of a cornfield – all during really crappy weather w/rain & wind.

I did this back in my early thirties when corn rows were 2 1/2’ wide here and the stalks within a row were, say, a foot apart.
As Skane said a late fall rain or soft snow (before harvest) quieted your working down the row but you also needed wind to cover your sound. With the wind right you could shoot across rows and a little ahead as you spotted a buck peacefully bedded, maybe ten yards away

This is where quality wool clothes really worked. I used KOM in that Blowdown Grey. Worked perfectly.

The way corn is planted now it would be impossible to get down a row quietly unless you’d be 4’ thirty pound midget.