Originally Posted by JohnBurns
Originally Posted by rockinbbar
Originally Posted by Joel/AK
I do hope the kid gets off and all charges dropped.

Unfortunately he's gonna be the sacrificial lamb for the liberals to give to the BLM/antifa folks. I feel he will go to trial, but won't get convicted, except for small [bleep] where it will be timed served.

Its BS through and through

He doesn't need to be convicted of anything. Time served, or not.

He was simply exercising his God given and Constitutional right to arm and protect himself.

In fact, he should file a civil suit and take them to the cleaners for even charging him in such a clear cut case of self defense. The prosecution is actually a persecution based on political leanings of those in local power.

Lin Woods is part of Kyle's law team.

The pendulum is going to swing and Kyle will most probably "get paid" before all is said and done.

Right now is rough but there is some light showing at the end of the tunnel and the Kid is lucky there is so much video documenting exactly what happened and some high powered patriot attorneys stepped up to the plate.

Lin wood has serious problems. Everyone he has worked with is suing him. Insiders think he has mental issues. John pierce is like a micahael avenatti type. Assault charges pending and allegations of fraud. The legal team is a huge problem. Wood and pierce are controlling the legal fund miney which should be released to the family