Originally Posted by Ducksanddogs
Man I wish we were in person having this discussion so when I asked the following question I could watch the reactions!

How many of you have ever shot a Coot?

Uh huh. Bunch of soapbox standing liars.

Heck Yeah! I shoot as many as I legally can every year. I have an appetizer recipe that people rave about in which I utilize coots, rails, snipe, starlings, and other so called "trash" birds. I used to use crows too but concerns with West Nile Virus by others has ended that practice.

My favorite coot spot is a 40' swath of land between two ponds. Coots trade between the two all day long and it is the only place I have seen coots truly flying of their own volition. The first time I saw them I didn't know what they were but as the sun rose I got a better look.

I jump shoot a fair number of them too, I am not picky on how I take them. The funny aspect of coots and my dogs is, as a whole, my versatile breeds have disliked retrieving them more than the setters and Pointer I've owned. One would think it being the other way around.