I live at a T intersection, the bottom of my yard is a perfect place for signs,
local politicians put them there most elections.

I even leave them alone, if they ask, and I agree.
If not. Weeds.

In 2000, I ask the party head for some Bush signs, telling him where
they would be. His response was Bedford County wasn't getting very many.
We are such a R county that it made no sense to spend money on the already

Could be, your area is so partisan they aren't interested in you.
Notice how the nominees keep going coming back to Pa, NC, Wi?

Not so much Ca, Ma, Md, or Ok, Wy...

A couple votes matter here. It's close, a few thousand could choose the next POTUS.
They honestly don't care if Oklahoma gains or loses a couple thousand either way.
The outcome is known, and time/money is better spent elsewhere.

That said,

Way to go Wyoming, and Oklahoma!

Parents who say they have good kids..Usually don't!