As a 28 year old guide and owner of a two outlet fly fishing pro shop, we sold and used 10 foot Loomis 10 wt rods. The older wiser (If anyone is not wise it is a 28 year old guy running 4 guides and two retail/wholesale tackle shops, in two locations!) Bought Sage 889s 8wt 8 foot ,nine we used size 2 4x long white Muddler Minnows 90% of the time the 10 weights were overkill. I think Sage had a 899 but that was a bonefish rod and really hard to come by. I am now 62 and user a 9 foot 9 wt Orvis.I would like to find one of those Sage bonefish rods. Why so short? Tighter loop into the wind.

Watch 'Yer Topknot!