Mr. Barsness, I have just sent you a PM . I hope this is a satisfactory reply...... If it is not fully explanatory, I will forward a personal cell phone via PM . Due to physical limitations, I talk much better than I type. ....... I am not very smart, but sparring with a professional wordsmith on a "net" site is a battle I'll likely not prevail in. I think I have explained in the PM that our "commerce" is satisfactorily concluded.

As to the other rather derogatory insults slung by so freely by Mr. Redgwell...... Heckler, hardly I have so much more to do......

Mr. Wam???? or whatever your name is??? Little bitches? Whiny........ I hope I would not convey that impression, I don't know you , but I would hardly take it upon myself to assassinate your character in print, My post was not about you, but rather a comment on the lack of service available from the USPS. Why do you choose to insult me when you don't know me? Would you do the same in person????? Oh, I forgot, it is the internet.....

Now Mr. WAM, in the interest of transparency, my name is Paul Melton....... Whiney??? I think you will have to hunt hard to find anyone in the Sporting or Business world that would describe me as such.
i am sure your 2386 post here are your total joy in life........You will have to live a HELL of a life to have been to the places I have been and do the things I have done.......
I guess....About enough campfire for me , forever.
Best regards,

Last edited by mel5141; 10/07/20. Reason: spelling