Originally Posted by ChuckKY
Originally Posted by renegade50
Pictures tell a story.

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Jan 4 2011 -10 oct 2020
Buried next to Cookie
14 Feb 2006 - 5 sept 2020

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Rico died of a broken heart this morning basically.
Hiding Liver cancer and pancreatic problems while cookie was alive.
Took a 180 ° turn 2 days after Cookie died.
Went from a vibrant active fierce brave family dog weighing 60 pds down to 43.

He was hiding his condition the vet said for cookies sake.
Said she sees it alot.
My vet took the exam room pic.
I was just bringing him in to see what was wrong with him since Cookie died
Xrays and blood work
The vet was crying a little telling me.
She has been my vet for a long time.
Put Sweetheart to sleep
Put Cookie to sleep.
Knew Rico was sweethearts son.
Rico,s mom died 3 yrs ago of the same things.

You were my day 1 puppy Rico born and raised at home.
Day 1......

I will get your marker made up tommorow boy.
My heart hurts too much right now.

And me and you dog dad Blackjack are left by ourselves....

It aint frighing fair......

I just don't have the words Renegade, got to be a lot of great memories to look back on to help ease the pain, some of this stuff just isn't always fair.

I'm going to say this, as a person that has sat right there in Renegades shoes, holding a beloved dog as she beat her last heartbeat on this earth, and more than once. I say it IS fair. That wolves would befriend man so many years ago, and it has been that way, probably far longer then any two critters to get along. And we know, from a young age, that our dogs don't live as long as us. Some of us turn away, and go do other things, and don't have time or desire to have a dog around, I feel that is their loss, but that's just my opinion.
But for the rest of us, we still invite a dog (or two, or however many) into our lives, and we accept their love, we take care of them, we love them back, we hang out, and play, and just have a life, granted, for some, a small slice of life, but still, you give some to that dog, as he gives back 100 fold. And you enjoy each other's company. You are master and dog.
But he (or she), they get old much faster then we do, and the stuff that takes decades to snuff us, can kill them in months, and we do what we can, but at some point we ask the vet, or we just know, that we are fighting a losing battle. So we steel our selves to the fight, but the point where we must do that last... favor for them, that is all that is left.
When deciding what is fair, I ask myself; "Dude, would you spare yourself and your gal, who grieves just as hard, all this sorrow, but in return, forgo having had the joy of owning Champagne, Mox, Woodstock, Blaze, Freddie, Cody, Azhia, Mox II, Hope, Milo and Layla?
And the answer is always, always "No".
So I do believe it is hard, but it is fair. But it sure is hard...

Last edited by OMCHamlin; 10/10/20.