The name of this is genuinely ugly. Then the fact it has to be explained at the end is even worse. It’s like a kindergartner naming their dog Killer and when asked why, it’s because he kills bugs (evil laugh ensues). It’s essentially just like forwarding emails / social media click bait, just to see how far they go. This is not going to catch on and their isn’t going to be an intro class to online forum transactions that has a 101 course for this.

If the contract is supposed to be solely as a point of deterrent, why not ask for a picture of said firearm (or ANY other item), upside down, facing at 11 o’clock, with a heart made of cold beers surrounding a sandwich, with your name, the date, forum handles, and a phrase of your choice on a white piece of paper in the bottom left corner?

Can’t get the photo? No deal. Boom - problem solved. Then this works with any object, not just firearms going to an FFL that has serial numbers, a ‘contract’, and escrow.

If you have a good relationship with your FFL, sure, talk to them and make it work. I once did an Armslist trade transaction and we got FFLs involved, each were smaller “on the side” type gigs. My hassle of the FFL cost me a night at Primanti’s getting him appetizers, supper, and a dessert as we watched a few ball games - but it didn’t require all this hoop jumping. (Point made - their time is worth something. And honestly, I doubt I saved anything over buying new after the dust all settled, with supper, multiple trips to the FFL, etc.)

If people did their research, were willing to speak to someone on the phone, etc. a lot of this could be avoided. Don’t be stupid, CYA, pay with a method that has protection, etc., etc.