Took a yohng man bow hunting this morning . Never hunted a day in his life . 15 yrs old , picked him up at 5:15 , he was up and ready, a big plus these days , put him in a two man stand with me at 5:45 this morning .
7:30 spotted a buck coming in a creek bottom , had ranged some trees and held up the hand signals to let him know how to hold .
He squeezed the trigger and it bounded off , ran about 75 yds and hit the ground kicking .
He was shaking like a leaf , we climbed down , found bolt and blood was sprayed knee high . Blood trail was great with lots of spraying , so I was sure it was a heart shot .
We got to it , six pointer with about a 15”-16” spread , nice buck for first time out .
He gutted without gagging and when he removed the heart there was a big gash in it .
Stopped by his grandma’s on the way out , she was some kind of proud of him .
His mom and dad was too .
Dad is in Middle East , he really liked the pics .
He is now looking forward to ML season .
Looks like he is going to be a future hunter .
We talked a week ago coming home from dinner , he is highly knowledgeable about computers and a gamer .
Was shockingly aware of the need for upholding the constitution and how wrong antifa and blm Is and their funding and purpose .
Never expected to be having this kind of conversation with him .
Definitely won my respect .