Good luck to you and the young fellow efw . And thanks for all the kind words from all .
We kind of threw this together on a whim . We made the plans earlier in the week but my work schedule and his school schedule did not allow us time to prep at all .
His ability to follow instructions was the only practice we had .
I explained to him what each dot was for range wise , hosed us both down with scent killer , explained tree stand safety to him , how to operate safety without clicking it , cocked It on ground , pulled it up , loaded it for him and handed it to him
Showed him the hand signals , he followed to a tee from releasing safety to gutting and dragging deer .
After he gutted it , I pointed to a draw across the creek that opened into a field , told him get it to there and I was walking out to get the truck .
When I returned he was were he was supposed to be with a perma grin .
Lol , I do believe I am as happy about it as he is .