[A couple of years ago Bride saw an ad for a couple of cases for 12 gauge shotgun shells on a neighborhood women's, FaceBook page. The ladies sell or give all sorts of stuff of interest to ladies and home owners. She called me and asked if I would be interested. Heck yes says me, find out the price and the size of the shot. The shot size was #4s, lead, and the cost was a hundred bucks. I jumped on it and threw the ammo closet. So I get this ugly gun throw a couple of boxes of #4s and a couple boxes of #7.5. I load the five-round mag up, it was a bit stiff but fit. Fired a couple of shots and thought I has been kicked by a mule. Set rifle down go look at the ammo box and it seems that I bought 3-inch mag, #4s. I find 3 boxes of 2 3/4, #4s,at Wally's world the next week and try them out, not bad. Things would have to get real serious to use those 3 inch #4s. So I've learned to look at what I'm buying, more carefully. Now I'm trying OO buckshot .
Thanks to all your
uote=keith]ARKYpete, shoot that shotgun before you get froggy on heavy buckshot loads. Recoil is serious.[/quote]

"Whensoever the General Government assumes undelegated powers, its acts are unauthoritative, void, and of no force." --Thomas Jefferson