Buy a stormy cromer hat, wear a neckerchief, a patagucci vest, and never get mud on your $70, 000 truck and never drive the Truck except in June, July and August and only on asphalt. Have a spare Tesla or hybrid on Stand by when you go into town to virtue signal that your'e saving the planet.

Go on social media and tell all of your friends that you're a real Montana rancher. Head south at the end of August ( leave your squeaky clean truck in a heated garage) and return in June. Pay a local Montanan 8 bucks an hour to watch your place, and feed your your horses, muck your stalls, feed your cats and clean your place. Don't to forget to lecture the locals how racist white people are and that you are down with the struggle of Black folks. Don't forget to say that oil and gas are evil and that Montanans should live on wind and solar during the 8 months of winter ( while owning oil and gas stocks) . Tell the locals that wolves, grizzlies are the natural order and that hunting is a white racist sport.


Last edited by ribka; 10/25/20.