When I was at the SAKO plant in 1984 as a guest representing Stoeger Industries field sales staff during the Distributors Conference I asked that exact question, about when was "Bofors steel" dropped from being used. The answer I got at that time by either the World Marketing Director, or the A'sst Director of R&D was that all SAKO's to that date were still using Bofors steel ...just not marked as such any more. At least that's my recollection as a number of us were all sitting in a sauna trying to get warm from the days moose hunt and swilling adult beverages. My memory is pretty fuzzy about the rest of the evening though! LOL 'cause a great time was had by all....all week long. What a great bunch of folks those guys at the plant were.

TIME FOR TERM LIMITS !!!! Politicians are just like diapers, they need to be changed often and regularly for the same reason...Robin Williams.