Originally Posted by Bob_H_in_NH

MSN has a map: https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/elections-2020/results-map

If you look, the totals show Biden way ahead needing only one state left to win. However, if you look at those states:
- GA and NC both say 100% reporting with Trump winning, that's another 31 electors to Trump
- PA he has a 200K vote lead with 13% left to count, so don't give that to anyone
- alaska is only 51% reporting but he is 2 to 1 lead, that's another 3 electors

- Nevada is the toss up: 25% left to count, less than 8000 votes apart with Biden in the lead.

So, Trump is really at 214+31(GA/NC), so 244, Add alaska to 247

If you call PA to Trump, he's at 267, Biden 264

With Nevada as the decider.

Why is the media not calling NC/GA which are at 100%?

Don’t overlook trump’s legal team lawsuits which could subtract from Biden and go to trump. That’s the wild card right now.

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What we've learned from history is that we haven't learned from it.