Originally Posted by Northman
Originally Posted by Raspy
Originally Posted by Slavek
Originally Posted by Gus
might need to scrap this hodge podge of rules, deadlines and voting. do it by universal acclamation of all sides.

then hold a federal election for the federal president. rules are consistent across all state lines.

winner is the one that has the most electoral votes.

If you want to do it right use actual head count ie no electoral college involved. You see, now there is no need to feel bad about outcome of this election.

Large, densely populated Democrat cities (NYC, Chicago, LA, etc.) DO NOT and SHOULD NOT speak for the rest of our country! That's why our founders devised the Electoral College.

Large states with small population in the midwest should not speak for the rest of the country.
They have to much power as is...

People move to cities for work and better pay.. and end up voting Democratic because people living close together needs rules so everything goes smoothly.
Living in bum [bleep] nowhere in the midwest.. sure you want to live "independent" and voting Republican.... while getting subsidies from the East and West coast, where nearly all the economic output is..

Only an un-American fool (communist) denounces the wisdom of our founders and the institution of the Electoral College and then tries to convince people they are "American". The Electoral College is truly the difference between being a Representative Republic and a true democracy which would ultimately fail like all other's have failed throughout history and continue to do so. History speaks for itself.

As for the the "jab" at farmers that get subsidies that is a social boondoggle meant to lower the price of food by controlling totally all food production in this country and has been in affect for many decades now. Go spew your Marxist rhetoric elsewhere .....

One man with courage makes a majority....

~Molɔ̀ːn Labé Skýla~